Thursday, November 8, 2007

Finally a good run!!

Lately my runs had been tainted with shin splints, side stitches and terrible stomach cramps. I took the weekend off and started keeping a food journal. I started watching what I eat and made some minor changes to my diet that really make me feel great! My run on Tuesday night was awesome. I ran 4.48 at a great pace(forgot our watches).

We have a new runner in our group, Amy. She just moved here and she's super sweet. She enjoyed running with us and is going to meet up with us again tonight. Luckily we didn't scare her off! LOL

Tonight we're going to try to do some speed intervals. The girls are trying to talk me into the 10k for the turkey trot but I'm still not convinced. If my runs continue to go well I may consider it. Sunday we plan to do 6 in the am so we'll see how that goes. It's actually cold here tonight - in the 60's brrrrr. I may have to pull out an old ski cap or headband ;)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Busy Bee

Because of my hectic life I've been neglecting my blog. My last few runs weren't really anything to write about so you didn't miss anything. My side stitches have turned into some kind of digestion/GI issue. Anyways, I'm keeping a food journal and making some changes so hopefully I'll figure it out soon. I started some new vitamins and they may be the problem. If so, I'll be sure to not take them right before I run. I'm also going to try to switch to soy milk on my run days.

I finally got some new running shoes. I went to a great little store in Tarpon Springs and the nice man fitted me perfectly for two new pairs of shoe and an insert. What a difference that makes!! I got a pair of Brooks Dyad just for running and a pair of New Balance for everything else. I also plan on using the New Balance for treadmill runs.

Unfortunately I didn't go run the cross country race in brooksville. My running partners dropped out one by one and I wasn't going to drive all the way up there by myself. Matt and the kids were less than thrilled at the idea of leaving the house at 6am for a race. Oh well, it was a last minute decision anyway so maybe if I plan enough ahead of time next year I'll be able to go do it.