Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Run

This morning I was supposed to run with Christy, Barb and T but I could not get my lazy butt out of bed! I haven't been to bed before midnight since the day before Christmas Eve and my lack of sleep is definetely catching up with me. Since I missed my morning run I vowed to find time at some point to head out for a 3miler with some speed work.

I spent the afternoon with my daughter going out to lunch and then to see Marley and Me. It was very cute but sad. When we got home from the movies I knew it would be my only opportunity to head out for a run before the evening festivites of cooking dinner, cleaning my kitchen and bathing children.

I varied my route a bit today by running down Trinity Blvd. This did not amuse my husband. He had a few colorful scenarios worked up about old ladies running me over. Considering Heritage Springs is right off that road his stories weren't too far fetched. I vowed to never run on it again and he was satisfied. I ran for 25 min total. My milage was around 2 1/2 with the last 3/4 of a mile with sprint intervals. I was pleased with this run because I never got a side stitch even with a tummy full of greasy popcorn and sour patch kids( my fav!).

Friday, December 19, 2008

3 miler

Last night Christy and I headed out for a short run. It's been a while since I've been able to run with my girls and I'm hoping we'll all get back into it after the holidays. Gasparilla is in March and we all plan to run it so that should be good motivation for all of us. It really helps to have something to train for.

Not much to report about the run. I ate dinner beforehand so of course I had a stomach cramp the whole time but it wasn't too bad. The nice conversation with Christy about her awesome trip to San Fran last week kept my mind off my discomfort. Neither one of us had our Garmins so I have no clue the pace. It wasn't fast but it was steady and honestly I was just glad to be running!