Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Back in training

With tri season just around the corner I'm officially back in training. Eventhough my first race of the season will be a relay, which I'll be biking. I'm happy to say I've whipped out the old swim cap and have been back in the pool for a few weeks. I've been "training" for the upcoming 15k so my running is pretty much back on track. I say "training" because I've only really gotten two long runs in so I'm a little nervous about how I'll do this weekend. I'm just going into it as another chance to spend a nice morning with my running girls. No pressure. PR or not. I don't really care. I have not been on my new tri bike since the "incident". But, next week I'll be putting on my football gear and heading out for another go at it. As long as I stay away from my tri-bars I should be fine.

Monday was the beginning of the two-a-day workouts. Mon and wed. will be our 2-a-day schedule with wed also including my bodyflex class. This is actually an easier schedule for me from last season. Last season I also taught 2hrs in a row (spin & bodyflex) on monday nights after training in the morning. This bit of a break will hopefully allow me to fuel better, thus recover faster.

First 2-a-day wrkout:
10:30am -8mi run
The weather was 70 degress without a cloud in the sky. It was perfect running weather. I ran our regular route twice. I probably did a little over 8. First 4 miles were about 5min faster than the last four. I wore the wrong shoes (thinking I'd save my good ones for sat). Big mistake, I now have two huge blisters on my feet. Good thing I have a few days for them to heal before race day. I'm not sure of my pace since it was frequently disrupted by cars, the crosswalk and a family of ducks. Guessing I was around 10min miles.

2:00 pm- 1500 swim
5x100 easy
4x50 kick drills (these felt great after my run. ouch!)
4x50 drills: buoy, finger drags, one arms, touch-ups
500 steady
100 cool down
Good thing the swim was easy because my legs were already hurting from the run. The swim was actually a great way to work out some of my soreness. I did get a charlie horse in the pool. That was a fun experience. Thank god we weren't in the deep pool. I don't think I could ever live down a rescue at work ;)

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