Monday, December 7, 2009

What a pain in the neck!

During our stay in GA for the holiday I had planned on swimming at the YWCA and doing a lot of running on beautiful St. Simons Island. However, after my run in with the tractor trailer on I-95 on the way to GA it was immediately apparent that working out was not happening. The ironic thing is that after the accident, once we got to a hotel, I was so hyped up I could of put my shoes on and murdered the treadmill. Maybe if I had I wouldn't of been as sore the next day. The following day I woke up feeling like I was turning 80 instead of 30. I remained extremely sore for the next few days. My biggest complaint was my aching, throbbing neck!

My neck is still sore in the morning when I first wake up but improves as the day goes on. I think I may need to find a chiropractor. The heating pad has become my new best friend.

After almost two weeks of no running or exercise I finally got a work-out in today.

run: 2mi
weights: 4 sets of 10 deadlifts standing on the bosu (20 lbs)
3: 15sec planks
3: sets of 8 bosu push-ups

It felt good to sweat a bit. My plan is to get three more runs in this week, two spin classes or rides on the trainer and two more days of weight lifting.

1 comment:

n/a said...

you need to be careful working out right now. Please go see a chiro bc I'm sure your back and neck are all jacked up. Working out may not cause any problems right now but that stuff lingers and in a year from now you could start having problems. Besides, you're 30 now and your old body can't take it ;)