Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I figure I better put something on here before it's an entire month between posts.

I have been having some awesome runs lately. My little running group now consists of 7 of us! It's great to have so many wonderful women to run with. We talk almost the whole way, which really makes the time fly by. As well as, let's us know that we're doing pretty good since we can still maintain a conversation. The best heart monitor in the world.

We run about 5 miles twice a week and shoot for a long one on the weekends. The way my hectic life has been going I'm lucky to get any miles in on the weekends but I do my best to atleast get out there and get a few even if it's in the evening after I've put dinner on. I just sneak off for a 30 or 20 min run and nobody really notices.

I am learning to listen to my body so days like today, where I'm exhausted and have already worked out, taught spin, etc. I take a break from my running. I'll probably get a few miles in tomorrow to make up for it but tonight I'm going to give my body the rest it needs. Maybe I'll finally kick this month long cold!!


J said...

Glad to see you back!

Sarah Kathryn said...

Good to see you posting again!!

SEVEN of you running!? What fun! It might be time to start up the neighborhood running club. I tossed the idea out there a few years ago but then - as it goes - life got in the way! It would be fun to meet on Saturday or Sunday mornings once everyone's major races are over for some long runs...

J said...

Hey, I like the idea of a neighborhood running club! Sounds like fun!