Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gasparilla 15k

Awesome! The only word appropriate for describing this race.

The morning could not have gone any smoother. I woke up at 4am(shocking, I know) ate my breakfast of 1/4 cup rolled oats cooked with water and 1tblsp of peanut butter mixed in. It may sound gross but the p.b melts in the oatmeal and it's the perfect pre-run fuel for me. I stopped drinking water around 6 that morning so that meant only 2 potty stops before the start, instead of a typical 4/5. I've had three kids. Enough said.

Anyways, Teresa picked up Nancy and I and we headed down to Tampa (loved the Toyota SUV, almost as nice as the corolla ;) We parked and then wouldn't ya know there was a YMCA right at the exit of the garage. Couldn't of been more perfect. We were able to secure our stuff, and use the restroom instead of a porta potty.(Those come later)

I've yet to mention the minor downfall of this day. I woke up sick, sinus headache, chest congestion, cough, the works. Actually, it hit me the night before and I took some med's, which unfortunately dried me out like the sahara!

The course for this race is breathtaking. On one side are million dollar homes and the other side is Tampa Bay. The first 6 miles were great, we were under our pace and doing great. Right about mile 6.2 my inability to take a deep breath really became an issue. I guess I can only run 6 miles holding my breath! After, some wonderful Gatorade, yes I said WONDERFUL!! I was definetely slower but still plugging on. In the end my time was 1:44:50. Not bad for a first timer that couldn't breathe. I will definetely be back for the Gasparilla races next year and I'm really looking forward to the upcoming Iron Girl.

Thanks to my two awesome racing buddies Teresa and Nancy. You girls rock!!

1 comment:

n/a said...

YAY! I'm so proud of you girls! You did an amazing job for being sick and our little Nancy had never run that far before!!! That was an amazing day and I'm glad I got to share it with you two :o)

Next up... IRON GIRL!

Oh, and I watched the video for the triathlon. It made me very excited and very scared!