Friday, March 28, 2008

Early Riser

Today Amy, Barb and I headed to the Y for an early morning run/swim. We had planned to arrive at the Y at 5:30 but didn't get there until about 5:40. We opted for a 20min run instead of 30min to give ourselves a full hour in the pool. I went easy on my run this morning since I'm getting over being sick.

mile 1: 10:00
mile 2: 9:20

The air was chilly this morning but the water was warm and steamy! My swim felt smooth and strong. I feel like I've mastered keeping my head down and elbows up. Now I need to work on my gliding and the pull motion. We did take a few short breaks just with little triathlon conversations but I never felt like I "needed" a break. I kept track of my laps with sets. A 50 freestyle and a 50 drill is one "set". I did 6 sets plus one extra 50. I'm looking forward to my swim tomorrow morning and hopefully I'll get up in time to get a run in too!

1 comment:

n/a said...

Wow! 5:30! You girls are champs! Isn't it nice that the swim is getting so much better? I think we'll be fish by the end on April :o)