Friday, March 14, 2008

Three a Day's ??!!

This week was our second week of training. I'm feeling very good about my running and eager to get to work on my road bike. My confidence in the pool is growing with every session of laps and drills. The only issue is that I also work out for a living. It seems lately there's always a few extra classes a week to sub or some kind of training. I'm definetely not complaining because I absolutely love my job, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day or gas in my tank lately.

Yesterday, thurs. I actually did a three a day. I went to a spin training with my boss, which was all elements of a spin class crammed into 30min of butt kicking, which wouldn't of been too bad if I hadn't taught spin on tues. and three classes on wednesday! Right after my spin training I met Teresa in the pool for 30 min of drills and laps. This was actually my strongest session yet so I was glad I didn't skip it. Later that night, the girls met at my house for our 5mile run. The run was fast and easy. We chatted it up the whole way.

Today my legs were a little sore but since it rained I decided to make it a rest day. Tomorrow I'll get my hills in and then swim with the girls on sunday. Iron Girl is right around the corner and I really need to get some more hill work in so I'll be ready for that bridge!!

1 comment:

n/a said...

You are superwoman! I can't believe you did all that in one day! GREAT JOB!

Your body is so capable - you just need to remember that the next time you start to have doubts :o)