Thursday, March 5, 2009

Body Shock

Even though I've considered myself "back in training" for the past few weeks, I don't think my body realized it til yesterday. The run/swim two-a-day work outs are much easier on the body than biking and then racing to the pool to swim for an hour. After teaching my class last night it was all I could do to get the kids home, fed, and bathed. My main goal was to fall face first into my bed.

I officially have a 50% success rate on my new tri bike. Two rides, only one fall. Odds are looking pretty good. The wind yesterday was so unbelievable that T and I were actually late picking our kids up from preschool. Luckily they don't yell at us like the big kids would have. I keep waiting for that "wind at your back" theory I've been hearing about. Instead, it's the dreaded crosswind that is never helping you along. I was so tense on my bike that my entire upper body was sore.

This soreness didn't help much in the pool. We were supposed to swim 1600 but I think I was short. My neck and shoulders were killing me but I think it was all just tension from being in a constant state of panic on my bike. I felt better by the time I went back to teach class and I've been fine all day today. Achy, but fine.

T and I have swam on the coldest days for the past two weeks. The water always feels great but getting out is another story. The people on the treadmills probably think we're nuts. They're right.

I love days like this because they make you the kind of sore you just couldn't get from any other sport. I hate them for the same reason.

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