Thursday, October 8, 2009

3.1 miles of yuck!

Today was my second run of the week. For the past few weeks I've been running three times a week with one day of hills, one of speed work on the mill and one "longer" run. I lift weights twice a week and try to get at least an hour of cardio in too.

This week I've been feeling like I'm coming down with something. My legs were really achy after my run on Monday. Tuesday I bench pressed followed by bosu push-ups and then finished up with squats and dead lifts on the bosu. Today my chest is STILL sore. I typically recover really fast so the nagging soreness is definitely a sign of me not feeling well. I decided to take yesterday off. Today I planned on doing speed work. I warmed up for a mile and as soon as I started to speed it up a bit I felt really crappy. I decided to let myself walk when I needed to but to increase my speed after each break. I was really thirsty the entire time and since I didn't have my ipod to distract me all I could think about was my water bottle. I was thankful that I only planned on 3.1 miles of this torture.

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