Saturday, October 3, 2009

"Hills are speed work in disguise."-Frank Shorter

With Matt's crazy schedule getting work-outs in is pretty challenging. I only had about 45min to get a run in. I really didn't want to have to hit the treadmill again so I decided to drive over to Prince Frederick Parkway. The weather was overcast and in the high 60's. I planned to run my normal hilly 1.5 mile route with a few repeats on the steepest of the three hills. The hill is about .5mi long. I ran for a total of 30min. As expected the repeats seemed to get harder each time and I took a little extra recovery after each one. Even my "recovery" spot is an incline. I jogged easy the last .5mi of the route that takes me back to my car but since this last portion is a huge hill it was ecspecially challenging after doing the repeats. I cooled down and stretched in the parking lot before heading home.

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