Saturday, May 17, 2008

Secret Service Run for Freedom 5k

Today was the secret service 5k. Teresa and I were the only two out of our group that ran this one. The course was a straight shot out and back down bayshore blvd in Tampa.

My back was still bothering me this morning so I took some Motrin before the race. That might have been my demise. I was hoping for around 27/28min but I realized early on in the race that wasn't happening. With every step I had a stabbing pain in my lower back and I was pretty much nauseaus from mile 1 on. Teresa ran a great race and placed 3rd in her age group. This was a fast 5k with a lot of elite runners in the pack. Eventhough this wasn't one of my best I still had a great time and really enjoyed my post race massage and smoothie!

1 comment:

n/a said...

GIRL, YOU GET PROPS FROM ME! It is not easy to get three kids out the door so early and try to be mentally ready to run. You ran great today! PR or not you ran with back pain which would side-line most people AND in the most humid race conditions to date! HOLLA!