Monday, March 1, 2010

February Flop

Despite my lack of posting I did in fact exercise during the month of February. However, it was nothing to really blog about. With the back to back snow storms keeping me trapped inside like a caged animal it was difficult to do anything consistently. I did ride my bike a few times on the trainer followed by kettle bell work outs. One or two trips to the treadmill but that's about it.

Last week I got back into the groove. Monday I treated myself to a THAS work-out and cardio. I do 3x10 of everything on each leg...single leg squats, bosu deadlifts and step-ups on the tallest bench I could fine. I do them in a circuit style sequence, a total of 3 rounds. I then wobbled over to the pull up machine and did pull ups, chin ups and dips until I couldn't do anymore. For cardio I did 40 mins on the new elliptical. I've never been a fan of ellipticals but these bad boys are awesome! I make myself go at a 10min mi pace and increase the resistance every 5 min. Thursday I decided to give spin at the gym another chance and I'm glad I did. The instructor was awesome and so was her music! It was an "endurance" ride and despite my sore ankle I rode hard and it felt good! It's hard to get "into" a ride staring at the wall in my basement. Saturday I had a few young girls show up for yoga and I decided to teach a yogalates class. They seemed to really enjoy it and my abs were feeling it Sunday morning.

This week I'll be back to running. I've been nursing a very sore ankle and wrist after gracefully stumbling down my steps.

My goals for March are to get some type of work-out in 5 days a week and to run between 10-15
miles a week.

1 comment:

n/a said...

Great plan! I hope the snow lets up and you guys get outside sometime soon!