Thursday, January 28, 2010

Windy City!

The weather today was a high of 53 and sunny. Just beautiful, not a cloud in the sky. I knew I HAD to run outside today since a winter storm is approaching for the weekend. This meaning I have at least one treadmill run in my near future.

I headed over to the local park. Since I now have the proper apparel to run in I really don't mind the cooler temperatures. The wind however, I mind. Holy balls was it windy! The weatherman didn't mention this little tid bit. My mojo was squashed by this whipping wind and I decided to cut my work-out in half but run only in the grass and deep gravel then follow up with an hour of yoga at home. I don't know if my soreness is from the grassy knolls or the Dhanurasana(bow) pose. Either way, my hamstrings are tight baby!

p.s: I decided to add my local weather to my blog so that my whining about the weather will be justified.hehehe

1 comment:

n/a said...

Funny post girl! Love reading about your training adventures in MD. Keep up the good work!