Thursday, April 24, 2008

Windy Ride

Today was a bike day for us tri girls. Since Barb had a job interview to get to, her and Amy headed out early for their bike ride. Teresa had to volunteer at school. This meant it was just me and the Iron Man. I think he actually went east on me today. I was expecting much worse. Just kidding, he is never mean to us, just "motvational". Kindly reminding me to stop whining and shushing us if we get a little chatty. All of which is definetely beneficial to us. We've learned to save our chats for our night runs.

We biked 10mi on the Suncoast Trail. The wind was whipping and even the Iron Man was complaining about it. I only complained in agreement, after all I'm trying to work on that whole whining thing. 28 years of whining is a hard habit to break! This was a great ride minus the wind and calls from the school nurse that I had a sick kid. Tonight I run with the girls and hope to squeeze a few more swims in this week.

This Sunday is the St. Anthony triathlon. The Iron Man is participating so we're going to cheer him on and hopefully pick up some helpful tips.

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