Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday Morning Ride

Last night I set the alarm for 6am so I could get up and get a quick ride/run in before all the usual Saturday chaos began. Unfortunately you not only have to set the alarm, but you also have to turn it on! Luckily my internal clock woke me up at 6:15. I jumped up threw Drew's baseball uniform in the washing machine and headed out for the garage. Just a quick stop to tell Beau(my dog) good morning and promise that I was in fact going to return shortly. He's a mommy's boy. Once in the garage I realized someone had knocked over my bike and popped the chain. I'm greasy, but I'm off.

bike: 6mi
run:1/2mi (yes, 1/2, this is not as easy as it looks)
total time: 32min

The weather was beautiful, crisp, cool and no WIND!

Tomorrow is a boating day for us and I'm hoping the water has warmed up enough for me to get an open water swim in.

1 comment:

n/a said...

AWESOME!!! Kudos for getting up early and most importantly riding with every excuse not too - crack of dawn, no alarm, the chain - GOOD FOR YOU!

Let me know how that open water swim goes tomorrow!.