Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Night Running

Lately with everyones crazy work/family schedules us girls haven't been doing our pm runs together. Last night Barb, Amy and I headed out for the 3.5 that was on my 1/2 marathon schedule. We all felt really good and headed out at a nice pace.

I've been having some issues with my Garmin so I'll have to get together with my tech, Teresa!

mile 1 9:20
mile 2 9:30 ( we got stuck at the cross walk during this mile)
mile 3 9:00
the last .5 -not sure

There was a new obstacle tonight, other than the stupid cross walk. There is a small, slimey pond at the entrance to our neighborhood. Apparenly the mold/slime has crept it's way onto the sidewalk. That sidewalk is extremely treacherous!

We all felt good after this run and I wanted to run more but I new that today included bike to run bricks inbetween my morning trainings and teaching bodyflex tonight. Suncoast is only a few weeks away so I have to keep my tri-based training at the top of my priority list.

1 comment:

n/a said...

yes! That damn mini swamp is ALWAYS there! Even when it's 100 degrees in the middle of the day - still there, never dries! That whole patch of sidewalk is turning into a green fungus slip and slide! LOL