Friday, October 17, 2008

Sunset Run

Yesterday I had a busy day planned but I decided in the morning that no matter what I would get my run in, no excuses. In the morning I taught step and then pilates so Tyler spent 2hrs in the kids gym. That meant no morning run. In the evening Ashley had girls on the run but there was no way that Ty was going back in that kids gym. Luckily Matt was getting home at a reasonable hour so he could come home, get the boys, and go pick up Ashley. I already had dinner working in the crock pot so that was one less thing to have to think about. As soon as he got home I headed out for my run. I decided to run down 54 because I needed a little change of scenery. Running the "loop" is really boring eventhough I do enjoy checking out everyones Halloween decorations. Our neighborhood really goes all out.

The sun was just starting to set as I headed down 54. The sky was pink, purple and just gorgeous. The pasture was full of mama and baby cows that were so adorable. Eventhough I was really enjoying the sunset it dawned on me that once that sun went down I'd be running on the side of a major road, surrounded by "nature" in the dark. Thankfully, it didn't get dark until I was back in the neighborhood. My hungry family arrived home at the same time so I stretched out in the kitchen as I finished dinner. Mom's are masters of multi-tasking!

4mi- avg 9:40
mi 1 9:25
mi2 9:33
mi3 9:45
mi4 9:57
My lower back was killing me tonight but I'm glad I kept it under 10min miles. I blame step. A little ice and it was fine.

1 comment:

n/a said...

GREAT run! Good for you!