Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday Brick Day

Today while Ty was in art camp I was able to get a swim and a run in. It's nice to get a "brick" work-out in without having him in the kids gym for too long. Next month when art camp is over I'm going to have to figure out a way to get my swim and run in without going over the kids gym time restriction. Hopefully Matt will cut his a.m. work-out a little short so I can get my run in before taking the kids to school. Then hit the Y again for my swim. Ty and Ashley have soccer and Girls on the Run in the evening so that time slot is impossible. Splitting the work out for two different times in the day isn't really convenient but it's more important for me to not miss any work-outs. The suncoast tri is only 4 wks away so no slacking for me!

p.s.: tuesday also includes chorus for Ash and guitar lessons for Drew! Crazy, I know.

100 warm up
6x75 free with :15 rest
6/50 kick/pull buoy
6/25 sprints-I was really done after 4 but T pushed me for the last 2. Thanks coach!
200 cool down

Today was a great swim for me. I could have swam more but I still had to get my run in before picking up Ty. My arms were a little sore but they didn't really bother me. I started a new pull up routine yesterday so this was to be expected. My legs were tight from my spin class last night but swimming always seems to loosen me up. My only real complaint was that the pool was freezing and I had a few minor run ins with the wall! You had to be there. Typical Shannon stuff. It kept T entertained! Also, I may have nightmares about band-aids and giant pincher bugs!!

mile 1 10:00
mile 2 9:30

I was supposed to run 3 but I ran out of time. I'll make up the mile tomorrow. Eventhough I hate running on the treadmill I actually had a nice run today and I wish I could have kept going.

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